
Business Rates are a Local Government tax placed on businesses, charged on the basis of a Rateable Value (RV) set by the Valuation Office (VO).

Assessments are made every few years (usually five) and come into effect two years later. The current program (2017-2022) with original assessments made in 2015. Therefore, Rateable Values are, in effect, a retrospective assessment of the defined rental value for a property. Given the time frame between assessment and their issue, Rateable Values are often out of date. They can be challenged via an appeal process; which can result in increases as well as decreases or no adjustments at all. Our in-depth market knowledge means we are well placed to review the assessments and offer advice to guide Clients through the appeal process; the aim is to find and achieve reductions in your rates and secure a rebate for incorrect rates paid.

From 2017, there is a new system which places more emphasis on the Rate Payer in a process known as Check, Challenge, Appeal. Specific timetables are preset by the VOA and must be met. Failure to meet these will invalidate a challenge and opportunity for the RV to be altered.

For an independent and success related fee assessment on your Rateable Value and advice on whether an appeal is likely to be beneficial, please call our office in confidence for an initial appraisal.

Our team will fully inspect your premises, consider its RV, provide you with clear advice on any actions to take and will make appeals on your behalf, liaising directly with the Valuation Office.